Professional Bartending Schools of America

Our Nashville Bartending School has been training Tennessee bartenders since 1992!
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Nashville Professional Bartending School Graduates on-the-Job!

The Professional Bartending School of Nashville is the longest-running state-licensed bartending school in Nashville. During our 15 years, we have seen other local schools with out-of-state owners come and go, leaving their graduates stranded with no further placement help.

Let us help you get started in a new career as a professional bartender. Our job placement department is fully-staffed and we always have more local job openings that we do graduates! Don't settle for cheap imitations. Attend a locally-owned licensed school with a proven track record. We'll be here long after others have come and gone!
Graduate of our Nashville Bartending School taken on-the-job in Nashville!

Graduate of our Nashville Bartending School taken on-the-job in Nashville!

Aquarium Restaurant
Longhorn Steakhouse
Graduate of our Nashville Bartending School taken on-the-job in Nashville!
Graduate of our Nashville Bartending School taken on-the-job in Nashville!
Ruth's Chris Steakhouse
Coyote Ugly
Graduate of our Nashville Bartending School taken on-the-job in Nashville!
Graduate of our Nashville Bartending School taken on-the-job in Nashville!
Graduate of our Nashville Bartending School taken on-the-job in Nashville! Graduate of our Nashville Bartending School taken on-the-job in Nashville!
Planet Hollywood
More Graduate Picture Pages 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

Copyright 2007 Professional Bartending Schools of America