Local Job Placement Program - Nashville, Tennessee:
Our Nashville school offers personalized, one-on-one local job placement assistance to all of our graduates. Upon graduation, the bartender may report to the job placement office for one-on-one job placement assistance. Our Job Placement Director works very hard to help each bartender find the bartending job that they are looking for. Our school has achieved a local job placement rate of over 90% over the last fifteen years here in Nashville.
Our fifteen year record of success is based on our ability to get our graduates working. We live and work in Nashville and spend most weekends visiting bars and restaurants and making contacts. Over the years, we have established hundreds of contacts within the local Nashville bar scene. The best places in town use our school to staff their establishments.
Don't trust your career to an out-of-state owned chain bartending school. How can a school with NO contacts or track record in Nashville help you find a job? How can a telephone representative in Florida place you in a quality bartending job in Nashville?
Our school has an actual job placement department with it's own office, waiting area, networked computers, phone systems and STAFF! If you compare schools, check out their job placement department. Do they have a separate office? Do they have an actual person in Nashville who calls bars each week? Does their job placement person (if they actually exist!) have their own internet enabled computer on their desk to correspond with bars?
Our local job placement director will work to determine what type of bar each bartender wishes to work at. The placement director will recommend bars from our current list of available bartending jobs to the student. In addition, the placement director calls students with new bartending jobs as they come in to the school if they meet the student's requirements.
Our job placement director is responsible for maintaining a current list of bartending jobs for our students. Bar owners and managers regularly call our school in Nashville when they have an opening for a bartender. In addition, our staff makes regular calls to bars and restaurants to help them meet their staffing needs. Our services are free to bars and restaurants, and we work very hard to help them meet their staffing goals.
As you compare bartending schools on the internet, check to see if they show pictures of graduates on the job in Nashville or simply talk about it. These same out-of-state schools show pictures of graduates, but they are not taken in Nashville. This is great if you want to succeed in Florida or some other state! It's a lot of work for us to call on our graduates as they tend bar, but our students and bar manager really appreciate it and we enjoy it!
Whether you want to work at a friendly neighborhood bar where everyone knows your name, or the fanciest hot spot downtown, we'll try hard to find the right bar for you. Our job placement director takes a personal interest in each student while they are in our school and understands that each student has a different need.