Hire a Bartender Here!

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Private Parties, Bar Owners and Managers - Hire a Bartender Here!

If you are the owner or manager of a liquor-serving establishment and would like to interview some of our graduates for your establishment, you may fill out the form below or call the school nearest you.

If you are hosting a wedding reception or private party in your home or catering hall and would like to hire a professional bartender we can help you by supplying a bartender and advice on what you will need to purchase for the event. Most of our schools maintain a current list of bartenders for just this type of event.

Our professional referral services are free to all bars. When you contact us, our job placement director will answer all of your questions about how our program works in their city. In general, we will try to find out exactly what your specific needs are such as:

  1. Full or part-time employment.
  2. Times and dates of the shifts if they are set.
  3. Flexible schedule if needed. Age preference if any.
  4. Previous restaurant or bar experience may be requested. We have students right out of school and experienced bartenders (graduates) who have returned for placement for various reasons.
  5. Rate of pay and benefits offered. Uniform requirements.
  6. Any special requirements or preferences.

All we ask of you is that you give our graduates a legitimate interview like you would any other applicant. Our graduates are fully-trained and prepared to work behind your bar. They will need to sell you on their personality, appearance, attitude and professionalism. Feel free to quiz any of our grads on drink recipes or give them a written test. All of our graduates have been trained to be flexible to the bar manager's policies on free-pouring, drink recipes and opening and closing duties.

Many of our schools certify every graduate in responsible alcohol service programs by the NRA's ServSafe program, TIPS, TAM or specific state programs if required.

Hiring certified staff can lower your liquor liability premiums. If you haven't already started using certified bartenders, you owe it to yourself to speak to your insurance agent to find out how much money you could save. Most of our schools offer the responsible alcohol service training to non-grads from local bars at a minimal charge.

Our graduates are required to give a minimum one week notice when they quit any bartending job. If they violate this clause (walk off a job, or quit without notice) they can forfeit their placement privileges. We train our people to be professionals!

Our service is free and our graduates are qualified. What do you have to lose? Give us a shot! 

Valid Email *
Contact Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
(5 digits)
Phone *
: (e.g. 1234567890)
Please select your school of choice for a qualified bartender. *
Best Time to contact You?
Establishment's Name *
Your Position? *
Hours Needed?
How Many Bartenders?
How did you here about us? *

Copyright 2007 Professional Bartending Schools of America