Looking to open a PBSA bartending school in Louisville, Kentucky?
PBSA does not currently have a bartending school in Louisville, Kentucky. Please check back frequently as we will either add a new location to this website or offer a quality online bartending school program on this page.
Professional Bartending Schools of America LLC is a supplier of bartending school materials and marketing services for quality schools accross the United States.
If you are thinking of opening a bartending school in Louisville or surrounding areas we can help you with curriculum, textbooks, diplomas, reciprocal job placement services and website exposure.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have at (877) 851-7272.
Why open a bartending school in Louisville?
Have you ever looked around a Louisville bar, curiously envying the happy bartenders having a great time while raking in gobs of money? Did you wonder how they learned the professional skills necessary to pour great tasting drinks so quickly, remember all those recipes, and keep their cool all at the same time? How did they get that great job? Could I learn to bartend like they do?
Bartending in Louisville and Southern Indiana can be a tough world to break into. Corner bars with on-the-job training are few and far between. Louisville customers are more educated and sophisticated than ever before. With all the great functions in Louisville customers come from all over the United States, they know about wine, they enjoy the bar scene and they have become more demanding than ever.
Customers are looking for a professional bartender who is as knowledgeable, as personable, and as demanding as they are. In this more professional bartending environment-if you're not fast, organized, and efficient you surely won't last very long.
Not surprisingly, 7 out of 10 bartenders will attend a professional bartending school to facilitate their entry into this lucrative profession. Without the professional bartending training that is all but required by popular Kentucky bars, clubs and restaurants these days, rookie bartenders won't stand a chance of beating out those that have it.
PBSA Bartending Schools have developed bartending and mixology programs to answer the demand for professionally trained bartenders. Our schools teach students everything they need to know to get started as a professional bartender in the hospitality industry. After graduation, our schools follow up the students training with personalized job placement assistance to fit their needs.
If you are thinking of opening a quality bartending school in Louisville, give us a shot!